Thursday, June 18, 2009


At camp we have a tradition of taking the best pictures from each year and making a display that we hang with previous years. So this morning I decided I would look through the 1,443 pictures from last year (this is WAY less than we initially got!), and find the best ones to hang on the wall. As I looked through the pictures I was reminded of a few things:

Camp last year was awesome! We had so much fun. So many lives were changed. I saw pictures of campers who had just met Jesus. I saw pictures of staff who God used in the redemption story of someone else. I saw so many smiles. I need to remember that even when the busyness of preparing for a camp season makes me stressed and tired, camp is fun. Camp is a place to smile.
God is moving! Camp is almost here, and God is ready. God is softening our hearts so we can learn from Him. People will meet Jesus this summer. Jesus will repair broken relationships. Jesus will make people happy. God will be glorified.

After looking at all those pictures I am eager to see all the new faces that tell new stories that will come to Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp this summer.

Resting in Jesus,

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